Electronic Component
Electronic Component

Electronic Component

Electronic Component

(Summary description)


Electronic components are components of electronic components and electric small machines and instruments. They are often composed of several parts and can be used in similar products; often refer to certain parts of electrical appliances, radios, instruments and other industries, such as A general term for sub-devices such as capacitors, transistors, hairsprings, and springs. Common ones are diodes. The glue dispenser can play the role of encapsulation protection, fixation, moisture-proof and dust-proof for electronic components.

Fully automatic vacuum glue filling machine: equipped with three-axis vacuum glue dispenser, uninterrupted glue supply system and tunnel oven, integrated control of industrial computer bus, equipped with Jinghengxin special computer version of Chinese-English dispensing system automatic cleaning system, start Program, automatic cleaning of the rubber head, user-friendly interface, teaching programming, easy operation, suitable structure to meet the process requirements of different products, high safety, fast switching between vacuum and normal pressure.

Two-component three-axis glue dispenser: It has a variety of dispensing modes, can switch models within five seconds, suitable for large and small size products, automatic cleaning and anti-curing functions, single station and double station switching, etc.

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JHX (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd.

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